Easy & Healthy- Vegan Energy Boosters for Working Bee’s


Hey Everyone,

Recently I have had a lot of friends complain about how they’re tired and have no energy at work! I have a few quick solutions for you busy bee’s who need a great vegan- energy boost during the work week WITHOUT turning to dehydrating , teeth staining , high -fat and high-sugar treats !

A few tips before I start :

– Drinks LOADS of water! Water is an under appreciated energy booster and can be an amazing replacement for any caffeine drink!

– Snack frequently on Seeds and Nuts ! Nuts are full of natural energy and good fats. Particularly almonds, cashews and sunflower seeds!

– Cut down on Coffee, Black Tea and ‘energy drinks’! I know this is hard, but it’s very very important to understand that these drinks dehydrate you and are only good for a high doses of instant energy that wear off and leave your body more tired than before.

– Try to quit smoking!! WORST thing in the world for people who suffer from work-fatigue ! Smoking cuts the amount o f oxygen in your blood which makes you instantly lethargic. This is just ONE of the many many reasons not to smoke! (ps, I am an ex smoker, I know how hard this one is to swallow).

Anyway, on to some energy boost recipes and further tips :-

For starters : Please make sure to have a delicious and satisfying breakfast!

– Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not eating breakfast is the worst thing you can do for yourself! It kills your energy levels as your body begins to use reserve energy which tends to run out pretty fast and  It kills your metabolism.

Quick and Easy breakfast solutions full of energy to keep you going till lunch :

1) Apples/Kiwi or Apricot and Oatmeal with a pinch of Guarana powder.

Out of all the fruits , Apples, Kiwi and Apricot are the best energy fruits. They are full of delicious natural sugars which work as a caffeine substitute without being too harmful or fattening! Second, Oatmeal (real oats, not the instant kind) are a great source of energy and fibre; they also keep you full longer which is a great bonus! Finally,  Guarana powder! Just a pinch of this stuff mixed in to your oatmeal is more than enough! Guarana contains a high amount of guaranine, a chemical substance with the same characteristics as caffeine. This makes Guarana a great and healthy substitute to your morning coffee!

2) Quinoa and Instant Oats with Dates and cinnamon

I LOVE Quinoa! I cannot talk about it enough. It is high in protein and fiber and can be used in so many delicious dishes. it is light and easy to digest, and keeps you full and full of energy! Dried dates are sweet , low fat and high in iron and vitamin A.

All you have to do is take a cup of washed  red quinoa- boil it in a saucer with half a cup almond milk, half a cup water and a teaspoon of agave honey. allow the quinoa to cook till it’s soft. Add in a sache of your favourite flavoured instant oatmeal and a pinch of cinnamon. Once it’s cooled down a little , add a handful of chopped dried dates !

This recipe is quick and easy and it’s a great way to do something fun with your regular instant oats!

Next – LUNCH!

The best way to stay healthy and have a great vegan lunch filled with energy is to incorporate the right leafy greens, herbs, grains and lentils to your meal!

1) Dark Green’s , Red Peppers, Chickpea and Spelt Salad

I cannot express just how good this salad is!

of course, leafy greens are amazing – Kale, Spinach and Swiss Chards are by far my favourite greens and I use them in almost everything! For taste, you can throw in some rocket and Arugula.

Spelt is an ingredient that is not given nearly enough credit for it’s high energy value. Spelt is also known as the ‘Marching grain’, it is one of the easiest grains to digest (unlike glutenous grains which make you lethargic) and become is high in iron, zinc and vitamin B it really does give you a fantastic boost.

Chickpeas are also high in iron and when paired with red peppers , which are high in vitamin C , serve as an amazing, light energy kick!

you can use any light/low-fat salad dressing of your choice to make this high energy salad into a delicious lunch meal!

2) Avacado , Barley , Parsley and Cherry tomato Salad

Another high energy Salad filled with yummy goodness !

Mix together half an Avacado (chopped), some cooked Pearl Barley, a handful of Parsley and a few chopped Cherry Tomatoes with a teaspoon if lime juice and a tea spoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The Cherry tomatoes and lime juice will give a colourful vitamin C boost. Parsley is a famous ‘bitter’ which cleanses the digestion system , helping with weight loss.

The avacado adds protein and ‘good fats’ , As well as increasing feelings of fullness, the oleic acid in avocados can help reduce cholesterol levels.

Barley – One of my favourite grains.It is packed with fiber, is low-fat and low-cholesterol. Unfortunately, it does have gluten – so if you’re on a gluten free diet stay away!


Anyway, I hope these tips and recipes help keep you energized during your crazy work day! They are all healthy and delicious and full of good nutrients to keep your body in check !

I will upload more upon request!! Keep reading for great summer recipes and fun herbal remedies to Summer heat ailments !

See ya soon 🙂



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